Education Law Case Study: Obtaining transcript from university within an hour

Education Law Case Study: Obtaining transcript from university within an hour
Who did we act for?
We were instructed by Harrison, an international student with a dispute spanning nearly two years against his university, regarding obtaining his official transcript.
What was the case about?
Harrison made 13 separate requests for his official transcript via numerous channels at the university, to no avail. As a result of the university’s failure to provide Harrison with his transcript, he was unable to apply for law school in his home country. Having found himself in a peculiar position, Harrison decided to enlist IBB’s help.
What did we do?
We wrote a robust letter to the university, setting out its unacceptable conduct and Harrison’s long history of unfruitful communication with the university. We raised arguments regarding breaches of Article 15 of the General Data Protection Regulation—as Harrison had also filed a subject access request—as well as the financial losses, distress, and significant inconvenience Harrison had experienced in delaying his law school enrolment for a full admissions cycle.
Our correspondence insisted that the university provide Harrison with all required copies to be sent to the law admissions board without further delay, and at no further cost to Harrison. Harrison had paid a fee to obtain his transcript over the course of his various requests; therefore, we also asked the university to refund all relevant fees paid.
What was the outcome?
Within the hour of our sending the letter, the university’s assessment team responded and agreed to send Harrison’s transcripts to him immediately, alongside a refund of all fees paid. Harrison was grateful for our assistance in such unusual circumstances, a result of which has now enabled him to continue his career path as a future lawyer.