A Message From Joanna Debiase on International Women’s Day
A Message From Joanna Debiase on International Women’s Day
"I feel fortunate to live in a liberal country in a time that celebrates the talents women have to offer. I have been able to have an equal education, manage a family and have a fulfilling career – an opportunity not available to my grandmothers.
I think that the biggest challenge for young women is in maintaining self-confidence in the face of a culture that seems to focus on the way people look. The pressure to be online all the time and to present an image of themselves in a highly critical environment is a tremendous burden and can be damaging to self-esteem. Other talents are not as prized.
Throughout my career, I have benefited from a strong family network and career mentors who helped me to believe I could succeed. My parents made me believe I could achieve whatever I wanted if I worked hard enough. My mentors helped me to see further and achieve more. I hope I can provide this inspiration to others.
I am proud to be working in such a diverse law firm. I want to make sure that we continue to promote people on merit. We need to make sure we are providing the right pathways and supporting everyone to reach their full potential. "