Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) at IBB Law

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Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) at IBB Law

Our ESG Committee

The Firm’s ESG committee comprises the following key members:

  • Managing Partner
  • DE&I Partner (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)
  • Finance Director
  • IT Director
  • HR Director
  • Risk & Compliance Director
  • Head of Marketing and Business Development
  • Facilities Manager
  • LLP and Employee Representatives

Our ESG Commitment

We are committed to building sustainable, equitable, healthy, and diverse communities through innovative business practices and exemplary ESG performance. This commitment underpins every aspect of our business, from project consideration and implementation to firm operations, stakeholder collaboration, and progress reporting.

Our Statement on Climate Change and the Environment

We prioritize reducing our energy and carbon impacts to address the pressing issue of climate change. Our sustainability program focuses on environmentally sustainable initiatives that deliver near-term efficiency, value, and health benefits to our business, employees, and the wider community. We actively encourage clients to use sustainable materials, promote a paper-free office, and strive to be a digital-first business. We comply with environmental legislation and support the recommendations of the Taskforce on Climate-related Disclosure (TCFD).

Read the TCFD Report

Our Statement on Social Responsibility

Our emphasis is on deepening relationships with key stakeholders, investing in our employees, and fostering partnerships with clients, communities, investors, and suppliers. We commit to creating a dynamic, inclusive, and diverse work environment, supporting professional development, and promoting work-life balance. We engage in initiatives that benefit the environment, human welfare, and education. This includes workforce talent development and economic growth in the communities where we operate. We prioritize safety, health, and wellness for our suppliers, customers, and employees, while upholding human rights within our own business activities and supply chain.

Our Statement on Ethical Governance

We focus on promoting strong oversight, transparency, and risk management at all organizational levels to ensure the long-term preservation of value for our business. Our corporate governance practices, including adherence to regulatory requirements, ethics training, and integrity-focused leadership, support a culture of integrity. We establish clear and effective governance for ESG, set

Our Duty to the Wider World

As a business, we have a duty to our people, clients, and the world. ESG provides a framework to align our operations and controls with our values. We commit to improving social and environmental performance, demonstrating a values-led culture that is alert and responsive to the challenges and opportunities of responsible and sustainable business.

ESG and Our Reputation

ESG is fundamental to our reputation. We strive for positive interactions with stakeholders to thrive in an uncertain economic climate. We want all our stakeholders, from clients to investors to our people, to be proud to be a part of our business and understand our positive contribution to the world.

  • Environmental: We manage our carbon footprint to operate efficiently and tackle climate change.
  • Social: We foster an inclusive workplace and empower change for all talents to thrive.
  • Governance: Good governance is foundational to our business, and all aspects of ESG.

 Our Responsibility to Our Clients

We have an obligation to offer our clients the best service. We aim to be partners in their enterprise and prioritize client satisfaction. Client needs and ESG priorities go hand in hand, as clients seek to understand how we are improving the world around us. Positive interactions with clients are essential to our long-term success.

Understanding ESG and its impact is crucial for all involved, making our clients proud to work with us and recommend our firm. We aim to be a partner in their success, embodying the values of ESG.

ESG and Our Value Chain

Our business does not operate in isolation; almost no organization does. Value is created through collaboration and partnerships. Similarly, risks can come from not anticipating problems, gatekeeping, and hiding critical information. Traditional risks in supply chains were generally about quality, cost effectiveness, and reliability. But seen through an ESG lens, the holistic nature of the third parties, from how they source raw materials to how they treat workers and comply with accepted standards are just as vital.

The Connected Value Chain

A workplace safety incident, employment dispute, or allegations of corruption can have profound repercussions not only on our business but also on stakeholders throughout the value chain. The interconnectedness of the value chain cannot be underestimated, and clients are increasingly demanding ethical decision-making from businesses.

Ethical Procurement within the ESG Context

Ethical procurement is at the heart of the value chain. When we consider the entire value chain, from raw material suppliers to end-use customers, we gain a deeper understanding of our business’s decisions and their impacts within those relationships. Ethical procurement within the context of ESG involves paying attention to various aspects, such as the carbon impacts of suppliers and the employment practices of end-users.


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