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Banker wins sex discrimination case

Banker wins sex discrimination case

A female investment banker who was made redundant following her maternity leave has won her claim for sex discrimination.

Oksana Denysenko initially shared her job at Credit Suisse with the person who had covered her maternity leave.

However that person was then given the post on a permanent basis following a redundancy consultation, when the bank decided two people were not needed.

A tribunal in London ruled Denysenko was discriminated against and unfairly dismissed, concluding: “Had … a fair procedure been adopted in redundancy selection it is more than likely she would have retained her job.”

It was alleged that during the consultancy process, bosses said she would be unable “to put in the hours”.

The panel is now deciding the size of her award. Ms Denysenko is reportedly seeking damages of £13.5 million.

A Credit Suisse spokesperson said: “We are disappointed by the decision. Credit Suisse is an equal opportunities employer and does not condone discrimination on any basis.”