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Child Safety Week Begins

Child Safety Week Begins

Child Safety Week (CSW) launched on Monday, 23 June 2014 and runs to Sunday 29 June 2014. CSW is an annual campaign by the Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) to raise awareness of the risks of child accidents and how they can be prevented. The Child Accident Prevention Trust is the UK’s leading charity working to reduce the number of children and young people killed, disabled or seriously injured in accidents.

Morning Mayhem

The CAPT provide a range of resources to help practitioners run local activities and events and promote safety messages in a fun and engaging way. This year, the focus is on the accidents that are more likely to happen during the morning rush and the CAPT are introducing the mischievous villain, Morning Mayhem. It is also bringing back the Safety Heroes of Child Safety Week 2013 to show how the simple actions that parents and families take every day keep children safe.

Leading companies lend support

Corporate Britain has lent its support to the campaign. For example, Barratt Homes has provided five top tips to baby-proof your home and Halfords is offering to check that child’s car seats are correctly fitted at any store, for free, during CSW.

Meanwhile, Public Health England (PHE) has published two reports to coincide with CSW to raise awareness of the risks of accidents in the home and on the road and suggest ways they can be prevented. Dr Ann Hoskins, director for children, young people and families at PHE said: “Local authorities and their partners, such as the NHS and emergency services, are already doing lots of good work in this area and these new resources can provide some extra support to help them to prevent more injuries and deaths.”

On average, each year between 2008 and 2012, 525 young people under 25 died and there were more than 53,700 admissions to hospital.

Children are still at risk

In a previous article I discuss the issues associated with keeping children safe at home, on the roads and at school. Children are at risk of brain damage from accidents, asbestos exposure in schools and becoming victims of paedophiles online and away from home. Although improvements have been made in protecting children, there is still a long way to go.

The law is designed to protect everyone, especially the most vulnerable members of society. At IBB Solicitors, we have personal injury and medical negligence specialists experienced in defending the rights and wellbeing of children and adults. We also deal with childrens’ injuries and compensation claims.

Our personal injury solicitors in West London and Buckinghamshire are experienced, compassionate and caring experts who have one aim – to protect the rights of the individual. Contact us in confidence on 01895 207835, or email us at pi@ibblaw.co.uk