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Clarke to outline family law reform

Clarke to outline family law reform

Changes to family law will aim to help grandparents maintain contact with grandchildren whose parents split up, the Government is set to announce. Under the proposals, to be outlined by Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke, grandparents will not have full legal rights but separating couples will be encouraged to allow their children to have contact with both sets of grandparents. At the moment, the majority of children stay with their mother after their parents separate, with fathers having less access and many paternal grandparents losing touch with their grandchildren. A Government source said: “Children get a huge amount of love and support from grandparents. That’s why we will do what we can to ensure that grandparents can remain part of their grandchild’s life if their mum and dad separate. “But adding a new legal right would make the process even more complex, so it would take much longer, which would be bad for the children we’re trying to help.” The changes will form part of the Government’s bid to reduce the number of couples using the courts to resolve custody disputes. Children are set to get a new legal right to have a full relationship with both parents in the event of a divorce. Our family and divorce team helps families across West London and Bucks. For advice, contact a member of the team: call us on 01494 790000 or email familylaw@ibblaw.co.uk.