ICAEW Report on Strategy
ICAEW Report on Strategy
The ICAEW undertook pro bono reviews of 25 volunteer registered charities, with annual incomes of less than £5 million, focussing on each charity’s policies, procedures and practices relating to strategic planning. The collective outcome of the reviews, together with the ICAEW’s recommendations to the Commission, can be downloaded here: http://www.icaew.com/~/media/Files/Technical/Charity-and-voluntary/Volun…
The ICAEW’s key findings included:
- those charities with strategies appear more able to deal with fluctuating economic conditions;
- few charities considered mergers in their strategies;
- many trustee boards lacked both financial and general experience, particularly in developing strategies;
- a number of charities appeared to suffer from a conflict between the CEO and trustees;
- few charities linked strategy to risk assessment.
Furthermore, the ICAEW has recommended a change in the law to enable the Commission to refuse to register a new charity where a similar charity already exists.
If you would like to talk to someone about establishing your charity or for assistance with the registration process, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Charities Team on 01895 207809 or via email at charities@ibblaw.co.uk.