Independent review of custom and self-build housing industry

Independent review of custom and self-build housing industry
An independent review commissioned by the Prime Minister and led by Richard Bacon MP contained recommendations for the scaling up of the self-build housing industry, making it cheaper and easier for people to build their own home.
The published report was titled “House: How putting customers in charge can change everything” and makes 6 main recommendations for the major scaling up of the number of CSB homes, to boost capacity and overall housing supply. These recommendations include a new Custom and Self-Build Housing Delivery Unit (within Homes England) and the development of a “Show Park”, to raise awareness of the CSB sector. This would be accompanied by more robust legislation, to increase publicity of the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Registers and allow the sharing of key data.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government intends to publish more detail on the Help to Build scheme, together with an official response to the Bacon Review, in the autumn.
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