Case Summaries

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Case Summaries

Persuaded university to give student second chance in a module, so the student could achieve a 2:1.
School agrees to quash its decision not admitting pupil to school and the school to reconsider the child's application afresh.
University agreed to readmit a student notwithstanding their failure to engage on the course.
College student received an acknowledgement of disability discrimination and awarded financial compensation.
Acted for 16 year old at independent school in respect of allegations of discrimination.
Successfully defended a student in respect of allegations of sexual misconduct. Allegations were not upheld by Student Disciplinary panel.
Secured an apology and financial compensation for student victim of disability discrimination.
University agreed to extend period of study, to a student with dyslexia and dyspraxia, due to their failure to provide adequate support.
Advised a group of parents on the recovery of school fees, following the independent school’s failure to provide facilities promised to the parents.
Successfully appealed university suspension of student in respect of misconduct, due to alleged possession of drugs and alcohol on campus.
Supporting university student with their academic appeal, as they were dissatisfied with the outcome of their viva voce.
Advancing complaint to university for failing to make reasonable adjustments for a student with dyslexia.
Advising a parent on challenging the exclusion of their child from secondary school.
Taking legal action on behalf of a university student in respect of victimisation and disability discrimination.
Made a successful appeal to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator, on behalf of a university student.
University apologised for their failure to support a student in their studies and offered financial compensation.
Advising student on fitness to practice following alleged sexual misconduct at university.
Providing advice to a university student in respect of allegations of research misconduct.
Advising parent on appealing to local authority, to secure school of their choice for child with special educational needs.
Drafting and submitting appeal to university in respect of degree classification.
Representing student in Court of Appeal, where the university acknowledged its disciplinary process, dealing with allegations of serious sexual misconduct, was flawed.
Taking legal action against university for disability discrimination, for failure to make reasonable adjustments, breach of contract and victimisation, which had caused the student not being able to complete her doctorate.
Advising university student facing an allegation of collusion.
Advice to parent on issues of discrimination and exclusion from school.
Obtaining substantial financial compensation in respect of failure of university to adequately support PhD student
Securing compensation from college for PGCE student, due to the college's breach of contract, misrepresentation and disability discrimination
Representing parent of child at Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal

    Schools and ChildrenFurther and higher education law


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