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A – Level, AS Level and GCSE results based on Teacher Assessed Grades to be released this week.

A – Level, AS Level and GCSE results based on Teacher Assessed Grades to be released this week.

A – Level, AS Level and GCSE results based on Teacher Assessed Grades to be released this week.

The topic of teacher assessed grades (TAGs) for GCSE, AS and A-Level students this year due to the cancellation of public examinations was discussed in our blog earlier this year.

Results days are now upon us with TAGs being released on Tuesday 10 August 2021 and Thursday 12 August 2021 for AS/A-Levels and GCSEs respectively.

Our earlier blog sets out how a student can appeal against the grades that they receive if they feel that they are not accurate.

All schools and colleges must submit appeals to the Exam Boards by 17 September 2021 (or 23 August 2021 if a student wants their appeal to be considered as a priority because they have not had their first choice of university place confirmed).[1] These appeals are submitted on behalf of students, but each school and college will have their own internal deadlines for receiving and reviewing appeals from students. It is important that those deadlines are understood and adhered to.

We understand how difficult it can be to navigate the education system in ordinary circumstances but even more so this year.  The Education Law Team at IBB Law is here to help should you need advice or require assistance following receipt of your results.

Consult our expert education law solicitors about getting the right education support for your children

At IBB Law, we are passionate about making sure students have access to all of the support they need for their education and future success. We know how important it is for children to get the right educational support at this critical stage in their lives.

Our education law solicitors have extensive experience in the various types of assistance students need for their education and development.

We offer an initial consultation for a fixed fee of £500 + VAT to discuss your child’s situation and provide clear, practical advice on the steps we can take to get them the support they need. This can take place over the phone or via video conferencing to suit you.

To book your initial consultation or to find out more about how we can help with protecting your children’s education and their future, please contact the Education team on education.assistant@ibblaw.co.uk.


[1] Ofqual (2021) Student guide to awarding summer 2021