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Construction Sites and Lockdown – what is the guidance?

Construction Sites and Lockdown – what is the guidance?

COBRA agreed on 23 March 2020 that construction sites should continue to operate provided that they can follow PHE guidance and have suitable measures in place to minimise the risk of Coronavirus spreading.

The latest CLC Site Operating Procedures (SOP) must be observed by the whole industry.  We are told that they are aligned with the latest Public Health England guidance.  The web address below is for the CLC website link to the latest version of the CLC SOP.  As this guidance changes, the SOP will be updated.  There are more procedures and practices that could be added regarding, for example, the moving of people and use of vehicles, and these will be added to future updates of the SOP.


 In summary, if people cannot attend site whilst complying with PHE guidance, then they should not attend.  If a site does not have the correct number and type of people on site to safely undertake works then the site should not operate.  Even if there are sufficient numbers and types of people to undertake works safely, but this cannot be done in compliance with PHE guidance, then again the works should not be undertaken.”

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If you have any questions about how Covid-19 and the imposed restrictions will effect you and your business, speak to one of our construction team on 03456 381381 or email construction@ibblaw.co.uk.