TUPE Advice for Employers

TUPE Advice for Employers

One of the most complicated of all employment laws is the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006, commonly known as TUPE.

TUPE can apply as a result of:

  • A merger or acquisition;
  • A change of the provider of a service for an organisation, via:
  • The replacement of an external service provider by a new contractor
  • The outsourcing of services; or
  • The in-sourcing of services (ie bringing services in-house).
  • Where TUPE applies, its consequences can be wide-ranging and involve the automatic transfer of employees’ employment, together with the transfer of all obligations and liabilities associated with their employment. It also includes a requirement to inform, and in many cases to consult with, staff affected by any TUPE transfer.

Our employment team are experienced at helping employers navigate through TUPE, its implications and requirements. We can help you avoid falling foul of TUPE and advise on steps you could take to reduce the potential impact of TUPE on your business.

To discuss a TUPE matter please call our specialist employment law team on 01895 207892. Alternatively email your details to  employment@ibblaw.co.uk

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