Pricing for Immigration Services

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Pricing for Immigration Services

At IBB Law we like to, in very clear and simple terms, respond to the principal questions that clients have about working with a solicitor, namely;

  • What are you going to do for me?
  • What aren’t you doing for me?
  • Who is going to do it?
  • When will it be done by?
  • How much is it going to cost?

In relation to our costs, we have a philosophy of ‘no surprises’. That puts the onus on us to address the questions above as transparently and as simply as possible.

As far as practicable, we also endeavour to provide clients with pricing choice. This recognises the fact that clients have different priorities and even the same client can have different pricing and payment priorities on different transactions or matters.

When we provide you with an estimate we will also provide you with a job specification that answers in clear and straightforward terms the questions above.

For illustration purposes only, we set out below an example of our pricing approach to different types of immigration applications.  Within the example, we have made some assumptions about what you may need and have also included some of the most common factors which may increase or decrease our pricing estimate. Our charges will normally be calculated by reference to hourly rates (as per the schedule below) agreed for the particular matter although we are prepared to consider alternative fee structures on a case-by-case basis.

All legal fees and disbursements incurred will be subject to applicable standard VAT at the prevailing rate (currently 20%). There are exceptions which are set out below, where:

  • We are billing an EU registered company and we can quote their VAT number on the face of our invoice. If we are billing an individual who resides in the EU, we have to charge VAT as they will not be a VAT registered entity.
  • We are billing an individual or a company that is outside of the EU which falls outside the scope for UK VAT.

Example Immigration Applications & Associated Fees

Applications for naturalisation or registration under the British Nationality Act 1981

The above does not include any disbursement costs. 

Applications on behalf of European Economic Area (EEA) nationals and their family members under the applicable EEA Regulations or Immigration Rules

The above does not include any disbursement costs.

Applications under the Immigration Rules

  • student and work experience visas
  • visit visas (for tourism, or visiting friends / family)
  • spouse and partners applications, including fiancé(e)s or proposed civil partners
  • applications for work, business, or study
  • dependent relative and family reunion applications
  • ancestry visas
  • other categories, such as applications based on long residence

The above does not include any disbursement costs. 


Please note the fees are an estimate. All applications are likely to vary, we aim to provide a more accurate estimate once we have more information about each specific case.

The work will involve:

  • discussing your circumstances in detail and confirming whether this is the most appropriate application for you to make and what other options may be available to you
  • giving you advice about the requirements of the Immigration Rules and whether you meet the criteria
  • if you do not fulfil certain criteria, whether this can be overcome and how
  • considering the supporting evidence provided
  • where necessary, advising you to obtain further evidence (such as medical records and bank statements)
  • preparing your application and submitting it on your behalf
  • giving you advice about the timelines and outcome of the application and any further steps you need to take

The costs quoted here do not include:

  • Attendance at a Home Office interview: if the Home Office ask you to attend an interview, we will give you clear advice (and discuss the possibility of us attending with you) at the appropriate time
  • Any Home Office fees for making the application
  • Where the Home Office refuse your application, advice and assistance in relation to any appeal, administrative review or appeal


Disbursements are costs spent or to be spent by the Firm related to your matter which are payable to third parties. We handle the payment of disbursements on your behalf and invoice you for the costs, in some cases you may be asked to pay these direct. Other than governmental fees for the Home Office disbursements vary from cases to case, typical disbursements may include barrister fees or translations expenses related to your application that are payable to us or to third parties.

Home Office Immigration and Nationality fees

The cost of disbursements depends on the application type and application processing service selected. The Home Office offer a standard visa application fee for all visa applications, in some cases a super priority / priority fees may be available to process the application in a shorter timeframe. We endeavour to provide an accurate breakdown of all relevant Home Office disbursements applicable to a visa application upon receiving instructions.

The Home Office fees for immigration and nationality applications are amended on a regular basis, please check current fees directly on UK visa fees – GOV.UK.

Immigration Health Surcharge

Depending on the immigration status being applied you may be required to pay for UK Healthcare, known as the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS). The below link provides an overview and current fees

Additional Disbursements

Depending on the circumstances and the type of application there may be instances where additional disbursement may apply such as;

Travel costs i.e., to meet you in person or attend an interview with you including rail, air and taxi fares, mileage, and parking. These will differ according to where you are based (and VAT will be added, if applicable). We will always try to use the most cost-effective means of transport.

Courier or similar delivery charges where speedy collection, delivery or service is required (and VAT will be added, if applicable).

Please note:

  • The above is not a conclusive list and the fee range provided is as a guide, in all cases a quotation will be agreed prior to proceeding with any of these services.
  • No VAT is applicable to Home Office visa application fees.

How long will an application take?

The exact number of hours it will take depends on the circumstances of the case. Such as:

  • Adult or child application
  • Current place of residence; inside or outside of the UK
  • The amount of supporting evidence to be considered
  • Which language(s) you speak
  • Whether you are applying with other dependants
  • Whether your case requires preparation of witness statements
  • Reviewing previous application refusals

If you can provide sufficient evidence at our first meeting and clearly meet the applicable Immigration and Nationality Rules, the cost is likely to be at the lower end of this range.

We cannot guarantee how long the Home Office will take to process an application. Read the current processing times.

We will normally be able to submit this type of application within 1 week of you instructing us, but we will let you know at the earliest opportunity if it is likely to take longer than this.

Please note the anticipated fees are an estimate based on the facts above. All applications are likely to vary and of course, we can give you a more accurate estimate once we have more information about your specific case.

Every client is individual and has specific needs. Having taken a look at this example, if you are happy to speak to us further, please give us a call or drop us an e-mail. We will be happy to answer any questions or provide clarification. We will almost certainly need additional information to give you the most certain estimate, and we can discuss any issues of urgency or particular circumstances that you think we ought to know.  Once the details are settled, we will send out normal client care and engagement documentation and you can decide whether you are happy to proceed.