University Exam Appeals

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University Exam Appeals

If you’re unhappy with the result of an exam at university, receiving support from expert solicitors is essential.

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There are many reasons why you may not achieve the grades you were hoping for, but if you feel that your university has acted improperly, or not been fair, in the process of awarding your grade, there are options available to appeal your result. We can also assist with degree classification issues.

At IBB Law, we can assist with appealing grades and challenging decisions made by universities, helping you to protect your education and your future, if the university has not acted appropriately, including not treating you fairly.

We are specialist education solicitors. We only act for university students. We do not act on behalf of universities. Therefore, you can be assured that we are 100% committed to protecting your interests.

What are university exam appeals?

The academic appeals process allows you to request a review of a decision made by your university, the examination board, or an equivalent body.

You may wish to raise a concern about your assessment results, resits, progression to the next stage of your course or degree classification.

You have the right to challenge an exam board decision, examples of which could be:

  • Unforeseen issues affecting your academic performance, which the exam board didn’t know about when making their decision and couldn’t have reasonably been raised earlier.
  • A mistake or procedural error significantly impacting your results.
  • Proof of bias or prejudice during the assessment process.
  • Not acting fairly in the assessment process.

Call today to discuss your case with our solicitors specialising in university exam appeals

We offer a fixed fee initial consultation with one of our specialist education university solicitors to discuss your needs and see how we can help.

If you want to learn more about our ability to help you appeal exam results, please contact our education law senior legal administrator, Rachael on 01895 207230 or Rachael will discuss how we can help and particularly how to arrange an online video consultation meeting at a time convenient to you.

How our experts can help with university exam appeals

Academic appeals

Academic appeals can be challenging and require a high standard of evidence to have a decision overturned. It is therefore crucial that your appeal is prepared and presented in a compelling way.

Our university solicitors can help with preparing your appeal, ensuring all of the necessary evidence is collected and presented in the most persuasive way to support your position. We will assist you throughout the entire process and ensure you receive the best possible outcome.

Independent review

If you have received the results of your appeal from your university and you still believe them to be inaccurate, you can request an independent review from the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA).

Once the university’s internal review processes have been completed, the student can ask the Office of the Independent Adjudicator to review the outcome of the academic appeal process.

If you wish to escalate your review, you should make a complaint to the OIA within 12 months of the date of the Completion of Procedures Letter from your university. We recommend that a complaint is made to the OIA at the earliest opportunity.

Our specialist university lawyers can assist you with a complaint to the OIA and a request for an external review, helping you prepare and submit the necessary documents and submission.

Common questions about university exam appeals

Can you appeal a grade in university?

Most universities will allow you the opportunity to appeal an exam result. Whether you can appeal your grade may be related to the exam board of the exam you’ve sat. It is rare that students are not allowed to appeal their grade.

If you believe there has been a mistake in the grading process or if you faced extenuating circumstances during your assessment, you can challenge the decision.

Most universities have a formal appeals process that you should follow. It typically involves submitting a written appeal with supporting evidence to your university within a specified timeframe. You should look at the policy and procedures of the university and ensure you comply with both requirements, including submission of your appeal within the timeframe.

Grounds for appeal may include procedural errors, inaccurate grading, or situations that affected your performance in the examination and assessment, which weren’t considered initially.

How do I appeal a university grade?

If you’re unhappy with your grade(s), you should start by discussing it with your university. They can provide guidance on your options and may initiate an appeal request to the exam board on your behalf.

For independent applicants, you should reach out to the centre that submitted your grades to discuss the appeal process.

Each institution has its own guidelines and criteria for grade appeals, including specific timeframes and limits on the number of appeals for a particular grade. It’s crucial to communicate with your university, as they can guide you through the process.

Once you have received the outcome of the review, if you still feel your result is unfair, you can ask for an independent review from the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education.

Can your grade go down if you appeal?

Appealing a university exam result won’t automatically result in a higher grade. When you appeal, your university will review your case to ensure fairness and accuracy.

While your grade could stay the same or even improve, there’s a slight risk in rare cases, it could go down. This can happen if, during the appeal process, it’s discovered that the original grade was higher than it should have been.

It’s crucial to weigh the potential benefits against the risks before deciding to appeal. Always consult your university’s specific policies and procedures and consider seeking advice from academic solicitors to make an informed decision.

How successful are university appeals?

The success of university appeals varies. The success will depend on the issue being challenged and, ultimately, the quality and persuasiveness of the appeal submission. While some students find success in having grades reassessed or overturned, it’s important to note that not all appeals lead to a change in the original decision.

Successful appeal cases include situations where there were errors in the grading process or if extenuating circumstances affected the student’s performance.

If you do decide to make an appeal, it’s important to carefully follow your university’s appeal procedures and provide clear supporting evidence. Our education solicitors can assist you with this process and give you the best chance of a positive result.

Call today to discuss your case with our solicitors specialising in university exam appeals

If you want to learn more about our ability to help you with an exam appeal at university, please contact our education law senior legal administrator, Rachael, on 01895 207230 or by email at

Rachael will advise you on how we can assist. If you would like to have an initial fixed fee consultation, Rachael will send you a link to online booking so you may select a date and time that is convenient for you.

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