Degree Classification Issues

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Degree Classification Issues

Did you get the degree classification you expected?

With such a large percentage of the population now attending university, the classification you receive for your degree has never been more important. If you believe you did not receive the degree classification you deserved, it is important to take specialist advice as degree classification issues can often be resolved quickly with the right approach.

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Employers take a particular interest in a degree classification, and increasingly, failure to secure at least a 2:1 can mean you don’t gain access to a further programme of education or training scheme. In a competitive marketplace for genuine graduate employment, the best opportunities are going to candidates with the strongest degrees.

For this reason, candidates must be confident they have received the classification that their work has deserved. With universities charging ever-higher fees for courses, an error in degree classification a student is awarded can be costly in more ways than one.

We have helped countless students with degree classifications issues, including helping with:

  • Advice on whether you have grounds to challenge your degree classification
  • Borderline candidates
  • Appealing a degree classification

We offer a fixed fee initial consultation with our team to discuss your needs and see how we can help. We then charge for our services on a fixed fee basis, providing certainty over the costs involved.

Types of degree classification issues with which our university education law experts can help

Borderline candidates

Most degree classification issues develop because a candidate has received grades that fall around the threshold for two different classifications. In some instances, you may miss a higher classification by a very slim margin.

Universities will usually have to follow set procedures in the case of borderline candidates. If you haven’t performed in a way that was predicted, the Examination Board is required to consider any extenuating circumstances for degree classification. If you feel that an important factor hasn’t been considered, this may be grounds for an appeal.

Making an appeal

Issues around degree classifications can often intersect with broader concerns about the nature of the course, the facilities that were made available and the quality of the teaching. These may result in a complaint about the course, which may in some instances be serious enough to warrant legal support to secure a refund or fees reduction. All of these factors can impact the overall performance of a student and may ultimately result in the degree classification being reviewed.

However, when it comes to academic appeals, there is a strict code of practice produced by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) that universities must follow. An appeal is when the university board of examiners is asked to review a decision such as mitigating circumstances or an error in calculating your marks. A legal specialist can advise how to proceed if you wish to challenge your degree classification.

Our education law specialist can assess the strength of your claim, advise whether or not to proceed and how best to do so.

Our degree classification issues legal advice fees

We offer a brief free initial phone consultation with our experts. If we believe we can help, we will then carry out a more in-depth fixed fee consultation.

Should you wish to proceed, we will provide a realistic cost estimate for dealing with your matter. Any billable work carried out will always be agreed upon with you in advance, giving you complete certainty and transparency over the costs involved.

The exact cost of our services will depend on the nature of your problem, including the amount of time and level of expertise needed to support you effectively. We will be happy to discuss this with you when you contact our team.

For more information on our education law pricing, please get in touch.

Get personal legal advice and support for degree classification issues

If you would like to know more about how we can help you with your education law enquiry, please contact our education law senior legal administrator, Rachael, on 01895 207230 or by email on

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