Allegations of Sexual Misconduct at University

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Allegations of Sexual Misconduct at University

If you’re facing allegations of sexual misconduct at university, receiving support from expert solicitors is essential.

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We are education law specialists, dealing with the full range of education disputes, including allegations of sexual misconduct at university.

We only act for university students. We do not act on behalf of universities. Therefore, you can be assured that we are 100% committed to protecting your interests.

We specialise in allegations of sexual misconduct at university.

In 2024 we took a case to the Court of Appeal because of the way a university handled allegations of sexual misconduct made against a student. The university, having been challenged in court proceedings, acknowledged its disciplinary process, when dealing with allegations of serious sexual misconduct, was flawed. The university also acknowledged it was in breach of its own regulations. The university agreed to reinstate the student.

What is sexual misconduct at university?

Allegations of sexual misconduct can include a broad range of inappropriate behaviours, including using sexist language, misogynistic language, harassment (in-person harassment or via social media harassment), unwanted sexual touching, sexual assault, lack of sexual consent and rape.

We appreciate that facing such accusations can be traumatic and humiliating. They have the potential to bring your education to an end, damage your reputation and seriously harm your future career prospects.

Indeed, our experience is that if a university makes a finding of sexual misconduct, whether touching, sexual assault or rape, your career aspirations may come to a grinding halt. A finding of sexual misconduct may result in you being barred from entering a chosen profession.

Our expertise in appealing allegations of sexual misconduct at university

At IBB Law, we have experience handling allegations of sexual misconduct internally at universities, including serious sexual assault and rape, as well as  matters escalated to a police investigation. We will tailor our legal support to your circumstances, providing a clear opinion on your options.

Our education law solicitors can support you by assessing the evidence against you, analysing your case and reviewing any evidence for your defence. We can also represent you if your case is escalated to a formal misconduct hearing.

We particularly specialise in allegations of inappropriate behaviour and sexual misconduct at university, by students. Our experience is that universities do not always handle allegations of sexual misconduct well.

Indeed, in 2024, we took a case to the Court of Appeal because of the way a student was treated by a university in respect of allegations of sexual misconduct against him. Talk to Victoria, one of our specialist education solicitors about sexual misconduct at university. Victoria specialises in this area and regularly advises students who face allegations of sexual misconduct, or who are the victims of sexual misconduct.


Call today to discuss your case with our solicitors specialising in allegations of sexual misconduct at university

We offer a fixed fee initial consultation with one of our specialist education solicitors to discuss your needs and see how we can help.

If you want to learn more about our ability to help you respond to allegations of sexual misconduct or appeal a sexual misconduct allegation, please contact our education law senior legal administrator, Rachael on 01895 207230 or

No matter how difficult your situation might seem, we have the skills, experience and specialist knowledge to give you the best chance of securing the optimum outcome.


How our experts can help with allegations of sexual misconduct at university

Reviewing your position and options

Our solicitors can assist you with reviewing your position and options if you are facing allegations of sexual misconduct at university.

We can provide legal guidance, ensuring compliance with university procedures and protecting your rights.

We will assess the evidence, advise you on the best course of action, and guide you through any disciplinary proceedings.

Support for sexual misconduct hearings

If the decision is taken to proceed to a formal disciplinary hearing, our solicitors can help you prepare your case, including the preparation of a defence to the allegations of sexual misconduct, whether they are of non-consensual sexual touching, sexual assault or rape.

We will consider any potential witnesses and other evidence, including social media or computer records. Our solicitors can represent you at the hearing, ensuring you receive the best possible outcome.

Appealing the hearing outcome

If your university has taken disciplinary action against you, you might be eligible to appeal the decision.

The appeal process usually requires you to submit a written appeal, outlining the reasons for your appeal and providing any supporting evidence.

It’s essential to be prompt when submitting an appeal, as the university often has strict time limits.

Common questions about allegations of sexual misconduct at university

How is sexual misconduct defined in law?

Sexual misconduct is legally defined as any non-consensual sexual act or behaviour that violates another person’s autonomy.

Examples of sexual misconduct include acts such as sexual harassment, non-consensual sexual touching, sexual assault, rape, and non-consensual sharing of intimate images.

Legislation, including the Sexual Offences Act 2003, criminalises various forms of sexual misconduct, emphasising the importance of consent in all sexual interactions.

The legal framework aims to protect individuals from unwanted and inappropriate sexual behaviour and provides the basis for prosecuting those who engage in such misconduct.

What should I do if I am accused of sexual misconduct at university?

If you are accused of alleged sexual misconduct at university, you should seek legal advice immediately. Avoid making statements without legal representation.

Familiarise yourself with the university’s disciplinary process, which is often available online.

Always respond to allegations in writing. A solicitor can help you draft a response that will not hinder your defence. It is important that you select a solicitor who specialises in education law and, particularly, specialises in sexual misconduct allegations at university.

Engage a defence solicitor early to help you navigate the process. Universities may pause investigations during police inquiries, and if the police take no action, the university may proceed with its own enquiry.

Having legal representation is crucial for maintaining a consistent defence throughout the process.

What are common examples of sexual misconduct allegations at universities?

Common examples of sexual misconduct allegations at universities include sexual harassment, non-consensual sexual touching, sexual assault, stalking, rape, and the non-consensual sharing of intimate images.

These allegations can involve students, faculty, or staff and may occur in various settings on campus.

Individuals facing such allegations should be aware of their rights, engage legal support, and follow the university’s process for addressing and resolving these serious issues.

What should I expect during a university investigation into sexual misconduct allegations?

When a university receives a complaint of a sexual nature, it typically initiates a formal misconduct investigation, separate from any police inquiry.

There is no standardised system for university investigations, but they will strive for a fair process that allows students to present their cases and challenge evidence.

Most universities have their disciplinary procedures online to prepare those facing allegations of sexual misconduct. Students will often be invited to respond in writing to the allegations, so seeking prompt legal support is advisable.

The university will appoint an independent investigator and after a preliminary review, decide on whether to proceed with a formal disciplinary hearing.

If the hearing is due to go ahead, our education solicitors can help you mount an effective defence, considering witnesses and other evidence, including social media evidence.

During the university misconduct hearing, one of our specialist education solicitors can represent you, to help you achieve a favourable outcome.

Can a defence solicitor help if the case involves both university procedures and criminal charges?

Our education solicitors can collaborate with our expert criminal defence team where needed, to ensure you are fully supported.

In instances where a student faces investigations from both the police and the university, we can provide advice and representation, including representation and advice at a police station, ensuring a consistent approach and strategic decisions that consider both investigations.

Typically, when the police conduct inquiries, the university pauses its investigation. If the police decide against further action, the university will then proceed with its own inquiry.

In sexual misconduct cases where there’s no police involvement, often because the complainant prefers not to engage the criminal justice system, the university is likely to continue its investigation.

Our team at IBB Law can support you if you are being investigated by the police for a sexual offence.

What potential consequences could I face if found responsible for sexual misconduct at university?

If the allegation is found to be substantiated, a disciplinary panel will determine the appropriate sanction.

The penalty is likely to differ among universities, but common sanctions involve being removed from your course, exclusion from specific campus areas, or fines.

Dismissal from the course and/or university can significantly affect your future study, career opportunities, finances, and mental well-being.

If you are facing allegations of sexual misconduct, it is advisable to seek legal representation.

Call today to discuss your case with our solicitors specialising in allegations of sexual misconduct at university

If you want to learn more about our ability to help you with dealing with allegations of sexual misconduct at university, please contact our education law senior legal administrator, Rachael, on 01895 207230 or by email at

Rachael will advise you on how we can assist. If you would like to have an initial fixed fee consultation, Rachael will send you a link to online booking so you may select a date and time that is convenient for you.


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