University Fee Issues and Disputes

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University Fee Issues and Disputes

Higher education fees continue to rise, with the education being delivered in return sometimes being of variable quality. The relationship between the provider and the student is regulated by a contract that’s underpinned by public and consumer law principles. The imbalance that exists between students and their HE providers is reflected in a range of different consumer measures.

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Poor quality teaching, disrupted teaching, lack of access to the services required to complete a course of study, lecturer absence, or a significant alteration to the course programme can all lead to an inadequate service being provided to the student. This can impact the student’s academic performance, which can have serious consequences for their long-term prospects.

While an imbalance remains between the university and the student, the latter is not entirely powerless to seek redress should the university fail to live up to its contractual obligations.

If you have a significant issue with your university’s service or are experiencing problems having your fees status recognised, then IBB Law can help.

Our education law experts can advise you on issues including:

  • Raising concerns about the service your university provides and whether this represents “value for money”
  • Disputes about student fee status
  • Securing student fee refunds

We offer a fixed fee initial consultation with our team to discuss your needs and see how we can help. We then charge for our services on a fixed fee basis, providing certainty over the costs involved.

Types of university fee issues with which we can assist

Raising concerns if you’re unhappy with the service your university provides

Students who may be unhappy with the service delivered to them under the terms of their contract have the right to complain and seek redress. If adequate redress isn’t found internally, then students have the option to pursue a legal solution.

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 protects students who wish to make a legal claim for breach of contract. A student may seek statutory remedies in the case of an inadequate service being received. This may be a reduction in fees or the repeating of certain aspects of a course programme.

Student fee status disputes

Another common issue concerning the application of student fees is confusion or arguments over the national status of a student. Some students may carry British passports but have spent most of their lives living abroad. They may have returned to the UK with their parents or to study. In such instances, a university may not recognise the individual’s right to be classified as a home student and pay less substantial fees than their international counterparts.

Some students may start a course as a home student only to be notified later that their status is being changed to that of an overseas student. Others may not be able to enrol until their status has been fully investigated, which can be a lengthy process.

The law can be unclear in these circumstances and may require an examination of case law, regulations, and legislation.

Our university fee disputes advice fees

We offer a fixed fee initial consultation with our team to discuss your needs and see how we can help.

Should you wish to proceed, we will provide a realistic cost estimate for dealing with your matter. The cost of work carried out will always be agreed upon with you in advance, giving you complete certainty and transparency over the costs involved.

The exact cost of our services will depend on the nature of your problem, the amount of time required to provide assistance to you and level of expertise needed, to support you effectively. We will be happy to discuss this with you during our initial fixed fee consultation.

For more information on our education law pricing, please get in touch.

Get clear, expert advice on university fee issues and disputes

If you would like to know more about how we can help you with your education law enquiry, please contact our education law senior legal administrator, Rachael, on 01895 207230 or by email on

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