Court of Protection Service
The Court of Protection is a specialist Court that deals with individuals who lack the mental capacity to make certain decisions for themselves.
We understand that becoming a Deputy can be daunting and is often at a very difficult time. We can support you in making an application to the Court of Protection to become a Deputy and to assist you once you are appointed.
We are also happy to act as a Deputy if there is no one else suitable or willing.
We can also advise on making Wills if someone lacks the necessary capacity. These are called Statutory Wills. We can also advise on applying to the Court of Protection for authority to make gifts.
We work particularly closely with our Personal Injury Team and can advise on Court of Protection applications where somebody has an acquired brain injury, as well as on Lasting Powers of Attorney and Personal Injury Trusts.
Contact our experienced wills and trusts solicitors today on 01494 790002.
Meet the team
- Colin Glass
- Consultant
- Jane Beaven TEP
- Senior Associate
- Elena Hall TEP
- Chartered Legal Executive
- Muna Ahmed
- Legal Administrator
- Maryam Dean
- Trainee Solicitor